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Process for ordering court records works in Louisiana

If you are looking for some specific court records works in Louisiana, you need to pay check or money order to vital records. They accept personal checks. You may also call or visit the official website to confirm the current fees.

The Louisiana state law restricts access to birth records that are less than hundred years and death records of less than fifty years to the immediate or surviving family members and the registrant.

To obtain birth records from July 1914, you need to pay about fifteen dollars for long form ad nineteen dollars for short form.

All birth records are available in Louisiana from July 1914. In case, this is required for genealogy purposes, you should go for the long form as it provides you with more details. You need to give the full name of the person for whom the certificate is quested, the day, month and year of birth, the place of birth, the maiden name of months, your name, telephone number and address, the reason for request and your relationship to the registrant.

For death records form 1942, you need to pay six dollars in conjunction with some vital information such as the full name of the deceased at death, the date of death, the place of death, the sex of the deceased, your relationship with the deceased and your full name, address and telephone number.

For obtaining marriage records from July 1914, you need to by $5.00 and include the full names (including maiden name) of the bride, the date of the marriage, the name of the parish where the license was issued, your relationship to the registrant and your full name, address and telephone number.

For further information on legal records, you can visit the state’s official website at the following address:

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